Jungian Football Coaching
Jungian Football Coaching Training Course
Jungian Football Coaching
What does Jung’s work have to do with football?
Football is one of the most powerful symbols of the clash of opposites the world has known.
Jungian understanding is informing new training approaches, and invites social transformation
on the greatest imaginable scale.
– Dave Burston (clinical psychologist) regularly travels from Los Angeles to London to
work with the Tottenham Hotspur Football youth section using Jungian methods.
– The footballer, former Ajax player, and current US clinical psychologist, Dr. John O’Brien
(same name) is currently researching footballer’s dreams for publication. – In the U.S., Fred Engh, citing Jung, explains that the greatest burden a child must bear is
the unlived lives of his parents. Fred spearheaded and oversaw programmes in more than
3,000 cities nationwide and on U.S. military bases worldwide.
– Bill Beswick, the renowned British authority on sports training, Peter Lowe, former Head
of the Youth Academy at Manchester City, Professor Cliiford Mayes, Coach Scott Pilkey
and Barcelona sports historian, Mike Roberts, published this year on the Analytical of
Psychology of Football.
– O’Brien & O’Brien recently published three year Jungian research on international
football summer camps providing best-in-class training for children.